Sunday, December 26, 2010
12/26/10--No Sunday School, Worship on Schedule
Due to snow, there will be no Sunday School this morning. However, Worship is on schedule as normal at 11am. See you there, friends!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Live Nativity in Worship
This past Sunday, our kids dressed up and acted out the birth story of Jesus. Thanks to Kay Smith for sharing these "before" shots.
Candlelight Worship, 12/19/10
You may have seen the Traveler's Insurance commercial where a lion and a zebra drink from the same stream and hyenas play with monkeys. Sworn enemies get along like old friends. Is that the scene set in Isaiah 11? Does the Christ child come to make everything cute and cuddly? Is the baby boy sweet and innocent? Or is he dangerous?
Morning Worship, 12/19/10
NASA announced the discovery of new life a few weeks ago in California. What was surprising about the new life they found was the conditions in which it existed--at the bottom of an arsenic-filled lake. This was less of a surprise to Christian theologians, who have proclaimed for years that life takes hold in unexpected ways, for we know the life of Jesus emerged from unexpected circumstances. Born to a teenage mother in a manger, his arrival was...scandalous.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Morning Worship, 12/12/10
Good musicals transform moments into extraordinary moments; they express what our lips fail to convey about what we feel inside. In a moment, Mary feels immense joy inside when talking with her cousin Elizabeth, and she can't help but sing out to God, as if she were a character in a musical. And her hasn't made it onto a Hallmark card or a Broadway play, perhaps because it sings about her son coming to turn the world upside down. Are you ready for that?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Morning Worship, 12/5/10
Due to snow, lots of folks weren't able to come out this morning. But thanks to the power of technology, you can still join with us in worship today!
Dec 5--no SS, worship on schedule
Hello, friends!
There will be no Sunday School this morning, Dec 5, to give the road crews and the RPC sidewalk crew time to get both in better shape. We will have worship on schedule at 11am this morning.
Be safe!
There will be no Sunday School this morning, Dec 5, to give the road crews and the RPC sidewalk crew time to get both in better shape. We will have worship on schedule at 11am this morning.
Be safe!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Morning Worship, 11/28/10
As Matthew argues, no one saw the flood coming. No one. They were too busy living their lives to see the bigger picture. No one saw it coming until it swept them away. A flood is upon us, and I’m afraid we don’t see it coming. That flood is...busyness. And our ark is...discipline.
Morning Worship, 11/21/10
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Morning Worship, 11/14/10
Thinking the end was just around the corner, the Christian community at Thessalonica stopped living. They grew idle. While our reasons are different today, our idleness remains. They key to overcoming idleness is its' opposite--stewardship.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Career Day for Greenbrier County Schools
This is Stephen...coming to you live from the WV State Fairgrounds, where the Chamber of Commerce is hosting Career Day for area high school students. I am here representing Ministry, talking with students about what the calling entails and offering to be of assistance to them if they feel that call in their life.
Last year, I asked them to interact on our website by imagining what God might look like. This year, because I've been reading unChristian, I will be asking them, "What does it mean to be a Christian?" Check out responses below.
Last year, I asked them to interact on our website by imagining what God might look like. This year, because I've been reading unChristian, I will be asking them, "What does it mean to be a Christian?" Check out responses below.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Morning Worship, 10/24/10
With our minister out of town, we held a hymn sing this week. Linda Cochran, Ann Boone, and Barry Morgan also shared "faith stories" throughout the service.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Morning Worship, 10/10/10
For years, I was "that guy" who opened my hymnal, occasionally moved my lips, rarely made a sound, and often counted windows while the congregation was singing a hymn. Reading Psalm 98 changed me. I still can't carry a tune, but I can have a good time in worship making a joyful noise unto the Lord...and you can too!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Morning Worship, 10/3/10
Jesus identifies himself as the bread of life in John 6. What is the religious and social
significance of his claim--then and now?
significance of his claim--then and now?
Presbyterians are older, even more invovled in their communities
Courtesy of Presbyterian Research Services
Almost half of worshipers in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are at or near retirement age, new survey results reveal. The median age of PC(USA) worshipers is 61 — up from 58 in 2001, the last time the survey took place. Along with this trend comes a decrease in the share of worshipers who have children living at home (down from 38 percent in 2001 to 34 percent now).
Continue the article here
Almost half of worshipers in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are at or near retirement age, new survey results reveal. The median age of PC(USA) worshipers is 61 — up from 58 in 2001, the last time the survey took place. Along with this trend comes a decrease in the share of worshipers who have children living at home (down from 38 percent in 2001 to 34 percent now).
Continue the article here
Presbyterian Delegation Visits Korea's DMZ
Currently, our international prayer partners are our brothers and sisters serving the church in Korea. Read below for a story on the challenge of their ministry.
The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a chilling reminder of the war that never ended. It is a strip of land — 160 miles long from east to west and just 2-1/2 miles wide — that separates North and South Korea. With the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of East and West Germany in 1989, Korea is the only partitioned remnant of the Cold War. And the DMZ is the most heavily militarized border in the world. The Korean War death toll is staggering: nearly 2,000,000 people, including 58,100 South Korean and 36,500 U.S. soldiers, 215,000 North Korean troops and 150,000 Chinese soldiers, including non-combat deaths.
Continue the article here
"No Man's Land"
By Jerry Van Marter, Presbyterian News Service
The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a chilling reminder of the war that never ended. It is a strip of land — 160 miles long from east to west and just 2-1/2 miles wide — that separates North and South Korea. With the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of East and West Germany in 1989, Korea is the only partitioned remnant of the Cold War. And the DMZ is the most heavily militarized border in the world. The Korean War death toll is staggering: nearly 2,000,000 people, including 58,100 South Korean and 36,500 U.S. soldiers, 215,000 North Korean troops and 150,000 Chinese soldiers, including non-combat deaths.
Continue the article here
Monday, September 27, 2010
Morning Worship, 9/26/10
Imagination precedes reality. When we encounter a problem, we must imagine a solution and then make it reality. The problem for Christians is clear--we define our faith negatively (avoiding sin) rather than positively (engaging God and neighbor in relationship). The solution is clear; we've simply got to make it happen...follow Christ! Be a Christian!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Morning Worship, 9/12/10
Terry Jones, the Christian Minister from Florida who wanted to burn Qur'ans on 9/11/10, symbolizes the image problem faced by Christianity in American today--namely, that we prefer to wave our hands in judgment of others rather than extend a hand of friendship. In the story of the woman at the well, Jesus provides an example of genuine dialogue with an "outsider." He talks to her longer than he talks to anyone in any of the Gospels. She shares a secret with him, and he shares one with her. He tells her what he hasn't told anyone else in the world until that moment. And despite their vast differences, they build a bond of relationship.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Morning Worship, 8/22/10
"Good can come from bad." That's what my grandma always says. And while the bad news is that we can't touch God, the good news is that we can be touched by God. This is nowhere more true than in The Waiting Room.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Morning Worship, 8/15/10
The writer of Genesis describes a grizzly ritual of covenant which binds Abram and God. It sounds strange to our ears at first. But once we understand the significance it holds, we understand that what held it together holds our lives together today--faith and doubt, blood and guts, fear and promise.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Morning Worship, 8/8/10
If you have a dream that doesn't come true, what do you do? Abram could've given his up, or learned to cope with a dream deferred. Instead, assured that his dream was God's also, Abram held onto that dream...and had FAITH that the dream would come true.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Morning Worship, 8/1/10
At the golf course after church, a woman who missed worship that morning asked me to summarize my sermon. I simply said, "God is generous; we must be also." Please join me in reflecting on God's generosity.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Fort Hill Presbyterian Church Workcamp
We were honored to host the fine folks from Fort Hill Presbyterian Church (and Rodney too) on a workcamp trip earlier this month! Check out a few pics of their time here working at Oakhurst Outreach in White Sulphur Springs, WV. (Thanks to Abby Martin for the pics.)

Thanks for a great week! Come back soon.

Thanks for a great week! Come back soon.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Morning Worship, 7/18/10
Sometimes we southerners say one word that sounds like another word. The same was true in Amos' day. He was a southerner who talked differently than his northern brothers and sisters. We see this illustrated in a beautiful piece of poetry which begins the passage, and the difference between the southern and northern pronunciations of a single word produces a universe of theological meaning.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
219th General Assembly--Update
Curious about what happened at General Assembly? Click on these links to important stories which unfolded throughout the week.
Cynthia Bolback elected Moderator
GA Approves "Breaking Down the Walls" report on the Middle East
Definition of Marriage Unchanged
PC(USA) Makes Strides in Interfaith Relations
Proposed Change in 'Fidelity, chastity' Clause Approved
Sermon on Spreading the Good News in a Broken World
New Form of Government Approved
Belhar Confession Closer to Inclusion in Book of Confessions
Young Adult Ministry Vital to Future of PC(USA)
Assembly Responds to Arizona Immigration Law
Christians Experience Unity through Relationship Rather than Agreement
Post-Assembly Pastoral Letter from Moderator & Stated Clerk
Monday, July 12, 2010
Morning Worship, 7/11/10
Scripture, reason, tradition, and human experience clearly point to salvation as an action of God. However, what should our response to salvation be? The answer, in simplest terms, is to spend our days loving God AND loving our neighbors.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thank You!
Thanks to our friends from the First Presbyterian Church of Eaton, Ohio, and to all the volunteers from Ronceverte Pres who helped make last week's Workcamp and Vacation Bible School ministries a success! We were all humbled by the opportunity to serve God by serving others together, and we pray that the relationships we formed will lead to more opportunities to do ministry together.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Morning Worship, 6/20/10
Last week, we sent a group of young people to Charlotte, NC, on a workcamp trip. Hear Kelsey McCoy, Reagan Rogers, and Caitlin Long share their reflections on what happens when the Holy Spirit sends us to the wilderness.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Vacation Bible School, June 20-24
Ronceverte Presbyterian Church is inviting all local children ages 4-12 to High Seas Adventure, a free and exciting Vacation Bible School program which runs from June 20-24! Each night, the fun begins at 6pm and lasts until 8:30pm.
High Seas Expedition is filled with incredible Bible-learning kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! VBS Director Mindy Napier explains why this learning method matters. “The kids use every part of their brain to learn the Bible stories--crafts, team-building games, and cool songs are just a few of the High Seas Expedition activities that help faith flow into real life.” Mindy and her husband Ray embody this learning style by transforming the learning space into a true high seas adventure, including a boat they’ve built just for this VBS!
“Mindy and Ray do a wonderful job each year educating our young people,” says the Rev. Stephen Baldwin, minister of Ronceverte Presbyterian. “This year we’re expanding our outreach by providing a free family style meal to all the children who come to VBS. We’ve always wanted to provide a full meal with Bible School but haven’t been able to afford it. Thanks to Greenbrier Classic funds received this year as part of Badges for Charity, we’re providing a free family style supper for the kids every night of VBS.”
High Seas Adventure provides an education that is hands-on and missional. Not only will the children in attendance learn more about their faith and the world around them, they will be invited to reach out to the world through a service project--the W.H.O.H.A.A.M. Kid’s Club. Created by children from Ronceverte Presbyterian, W.H.O.H.A.A.M. (We’re Handing Out Hugs Around Abused Minors) provides a teddy bear to every child in the foster care system.
Registration is required. Please call the church office at (304) 647-4400 to reserve a space for your child. (Transportation is also available upon request.)
High Seas Expedition is filled with incredible Bible-learning kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! VBS Director Mindy Napier explains why this learning method matters. “The kids use every part of their brain to learn the Bible stories--crafts, team-building games, and cool songs are just a few of the High Seas Expedition activities that help faith flow into real life.” Mindy and her husband Ray embody this learning style by transforming the learning space into a true high seas adventure, including a boat they’ve built just for this VBS!
“Mindy and Ray do a wonderful job each year educating our young people,” says the Rev. Stephen Baldwin, minister of Ronceverte Presbyterian. “This year we’re expanding our outreach by providing a free family style meal to all the children who come to VBS. We’ve always wanted to provide a full meal with Bible School but haven’t been able to afford it. Thanks to Greenbrier Classic funds received this year as part of Badges for Charity, we’re providing a free family style supper for the kids every night of VBS.”
High Seas Adventure provides an education that is hands-on and missional. Not only will the children in attendance learn more about their faith and the world around them, they will be invited to reach out to the world through a service project--the W.H.O.H.A.A.M. Kid’s Club. Created by children from Ronceverte Presbyterian, W.H.O.H.A.A.M. (We’re Handing Out Hugs Around Abused Minors) provides a teddy bear to every child in the foster care system.
Registration is required. Please call the church office at (304) 647-4400 to reserve a space for your child. (Transportation is also available upon request.)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thanks to your support, RPC received over $1,900 from ticket sales in the Badges for Charity Program as part of the Greenbrier Classic. As we pledged from the beginning, all of these funds will be used for local missions this summer. Stay tuned for updates, pictures, and stories about how we invest your contributions in the community of Ronceverte towards the building of God's kingdom. Thank you!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
'Grace relates to place' Eco-Stewards Program for Young Adults
‘Grace relates to place’
Eco-Stewards program connects young adults with faith, earth
by Bethany Furkin, Presbyterian News Service
HINTON, WV — The mountains of West Virginia played host to a group of young adults with hearts and minds for earth care last week.
Eight Eco-Stewards spent the week traveling around West Virginia, where they visited churches and farms and learned about local environmental issues like coal mining and mountaintop removal. The group ended the week with the Stewardship of the Land event, a community gathering that offered workshops, lectures and networking opportunities for eco-minded Christians and activists.
The Eco-Stewards program is a venture of Presbyterians for Earth Care and the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association. It invites young adults interested in connecting their faith and concern for the earth to come together for a week in the summer.
The locations change every summer — past programs have been in California, New York and Pennsylvania. This year’s trip to West Virginia provided the chance to learn about mountains, coal, land use and sustainability. But all the trips end up teaching about other themes as well: hope, resilience, beauty, forgiveness and grace, to name a few.
The message of grace is a really central part,” said the Rev. Rob Mark, a Massachusetts pastor and one of the coordinators of the program. “Grace relates to place.”
The greatest commandments are to love God and each other, Mark said.
“Implicit in that for us is loving what God has created,” he said. “Part of loving others is caring about the way these people live and the place in which they live.”
When reviewing Eco-Steward applications, Mark looks for people with a passion for the earth and a commitment to faith lived out. They don’t have to have any science background, but they do need to be open to learning, trying new things and being challenged. He also looks for “someone who’s willing to be uncomfortable a bit.”
In return, the program aims to empower young adults to see the connections between their faith and caring for the planet. Spending a week in a new situation also tends to bond people, and the community and vocational discernment that are often fostered are valuable.
“I love seeing the light bulbs go off,” Mark said.
For Allison Greenwell, an Eco-Steward from Indiana, learning about practical steps to sustainability was a highlight of her week in West Virginia. An environmental engineering major, she also appreciated seeing real-life practices through a faithful perspective.
“God didn’t just give us the earth to use all its resources,” she said.
This year’s Eco-Stewards program took a three-pronged approach. In addition to the traditional weeklong program, the Eco-Stewards participated in the community event at the end of the week. And four of them will stay on in West Virginia, serving in paid internships throughout the area. The interns will be involved in community gardens, food banks, churches, disaster relief and the Presbytery of West Virginia’s Stewardship of Creation Ministry Team.
Bringing the kingdom of God closer to Earth is key for environmental ministry, and the Eco-Stewards program works to train better caretakers of the land we’re given.
“In caring for the earth, we learn more about God, our creator,” Mark said.
Eco-Stewards program connects young adults with faith, earth
by Bethany Furkin, Presbyterian News Service
HINTON, WV — The mountains of West Virginia played host to a group of young adults with hearts and minds for earth care last week.
Eight Eco-Stewards spent the week traveling around West Virginia, where they visited churches and farms and learned about local environmental issues like coal mining and mountaintop removal. The group ended the week with the Stewardship of the Land event, a community gathering that offered workshops, lectures and networking opportunities for eco-minded Christians and activists.
The Eco-Stewards program is a venture of Presbyterians for Earth Care and the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association. It invites young adults interested in connecting their faith and concern for the earth to come together for a week in the summer.
The locations change every summer — past programs have been in California, New York and Pennsylvania. This year’s trip to West Virginia provided the chance to learn about mountains, coal, land use and sustainability. But all the trips end up teaching about other themes as well: hope, resilience, beauty, forgiveness and grace, to name a few.
The message of grace is a really central part,” said the Rev. Rob Mark, a Massachusetts pastor and one of the coordinators of the program. “Grace relates to place.”
The greatest commandments are to love God and each other, Mark said.
“Implicit in that for us is loving what God has created,” he said. “Part of loving others is caring about the way these people live and the place in which they live.”
When reviewing Eco-Steward applications, Mark looks for people with a passion for the earth and a commitment to faith lived out. They don’t have to have any science background, but they do need to be open to learning, trying new things and being challenged. He also looks for “someone who’s willing to be uncomfortable a bit.”
In return, the program aims to empower young adults to see the connections between their faith and caring for the planet. Spending a week in a new situation also tends to bond people, and the community and vocational discernment that are often fostered are valuable.
“I love seeing the light bulbs go off,” Mark said.
For Allison Greenwell, an Eco-Steward from Indiana, learning about practical steps to sustainability was a highlight of her week in West Virginia. An environmental engineering major, she also appreciated seeing real-life practices through a faithful perspective.
“God didn’t just give us the earth to use all its resources,” she said.
This year’s Eco-Stewards program took a three-pronged approach. In addition to the traditional weeklong program, the Eco-Stewards participated in the community event at the end of the week. And four of them will stay on in West Virginia, serving in paid internships throughout the area. The interns will be involved in community gardens, food banks, churches, disaster relief and the Presbytery of West Virginia’s Stewardship of Creation Ministry Team.
Bringing the kingdom of God closer to Earth is key for environmental ministry, and the Eco-Stewards program works to train better caretakers of the land we’re given.
“In caring for the earth, we learn more about God, our creator,” Mark said.
Morning Worship, 5/30/10
As the Class of 2010 celebrates their graduation, oil gushes into the Gulf of Mexico. Wars rage in the Middle East. Africa faces genocide. The planet warms, producing extreme weather. This generation, the Millennial, faces enormous challenges. Are they ready? If they are "justified by faith," as Paul says, they are ready.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
CAREER DAY: What does God look like?
Good morning! It's 7:45am, and I'm at the WV State Fairgrounds for Career Day. Sophomores from Greenbrier County will be discerning their calling by talking with folks in various professions. I'm representing ministry (in Nikes and a cardigan, of course). The students move around the facility by doing a "treasure hunt," in which they have to answer questions about the various professions. My question is, "What does God look like?"
Throughout the day, I'll be asking students to post their answers on this site or Facebook. See what our students have to say!
Grace & peace,
Throughout the day, I'll be asking students to post their answers on this site or Facebook. See what our students have to say!
Grace & peace,
Monday, May 24, 2010
Morning Worship, 5/23/10
Pentecost Sunday means much in our church tradition. Pentecost it the church's birthday, and the day we celebrate God's gift of the Holy Spirit, which blows among us like a mighty wind. Pentecost also reminds us of the potential energy God placed within us. The potential energy to be the church--to sing and serve and...baptize. Today, we joyously baptize Riley Elizabeth Ward, a child of God.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Morning Worship, 5/16/10
The Bible provides numerous metaphors for the Christian life. In Luke 24, Jesus suggests that the Christian ought to be a "witness." What does it mean to be a witness for our faith? Drawing on the Rev. Dr. Tom Long's work, Stephen takes up that question.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Morning Worship, 5/9/10
Exploring the American history of Mother's Day and Biblical history of motherhood, Stephen argues that what keeps all of us alive in the space between crucifixion and resurrection (where we all live) is a mother's love.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Evangelism Profile: Sixth Presbyterian, Pittsburgh
Presbyterian News Service is in the midst of a series of stories on local churches engaged in significant evangelism ministries. One such church is Sixth Presbyterian, where the famed Rev. Fred Rogers ("Mr. Rogers" to his many fans) belonged.
Read about Mr. Rogers' church here
Read about Mr. Rogers' church here
PCUSA Leaders Take Stand on Arizona Immigration Law
Three of our denomination's leaders wrote a letter, addressing the hotly-debated Arizona immigration law from a theological perspective. Read it here. What do you think? How do you read Leviticus 19.33-34?
219th General Assembly
This summer our denomination will be gathering in Minneapolis from July 3-10, 2010. Check out to see what issues they will address, read reports which will presented for action, and discern your prayers for our leaders.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Morning Worship, 5/2/10
Paul writes, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--God's good, pleasing and perfect will.” What is the pattern of this world? What does it mean to "be transformed"? How do our minds renew our whole selves? In this final sermon in the Resurrection series, Stephen argues that people of faith must nourish theirs intellectually by reading...the Bible!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Morning Worship, 4/25/10
Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution" argues that our eating habits are killing us--in West Virginia and in America. The statistics are clear: Two out of every three adults are overweight. One out of every three is obese. This generation of children will be the first to live younger lives than their parents, and it is due to the effects of being overweight. HOW WE TREAT OUR BODIES IS A MATTER OF FAITH. God calls our bodies "temples" and asks us to present them as "living sacrifices". Today, in a service of wholeness, we take the first step towards healthier bodies as a matter of a healthier faith.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
PDA Gives $500,000 to Haiti
Seeds and tools will help Haitian farmers feed the country and build the economy
Susan Lindsey, (502) 569-5060
Susan Lindsey, (502) 569-5060
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It is rainy season in Haiti. While that sometimes creates terrible challenges for those whose homes were destroyed in the earthquake, it is also good news. The rainy season is the growing season. And for thousands of farmers, it is both an opportunity for economic recovery and a chance for them to play an important role in their country’s healing process.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is partnering with the Presbyterian Hunger Program to provide funds and staff support for seeds of hope for Haiti. PDA has committed $500,000 to purchase seeds and tools for farmers who are trying to feed the hundreds of thousands of displaced Haitians who have left Port-au-Prince, as well as the communities that are hosting the displaced.
PDA is working through FONDAMA, a new partner network in Haiti that was organized last fall with support from the Presbyterian Hunger Program ministry “Joining Hands Against Hunger.” FONDAMA will mobilize 30,000 farmers all over the country and help boost their production by providing them with corn and bean seeds, and simple tools. The farmers, especially those who returned to the countryside without any resources or tools after the earthquake, will then have what they need to grow crops.
Seeds will be purchased locally. This has three benefits: (1) it further supports the disaster-impacted economy; (2) it secures seed varieties that are appropriate for local conditions; and (3) it reduces transportation expenses.
While immediate food distribution is critical for survival in the first days after a disaster, the medium- to long-term recovery calls for a different kind of response. The seeds and tools project provides food for people in need and helps the local agricultural economy take the first steps toward long-term sustainability.
When distribution of foreign food donations is used as a long-term solution, the local agricultural economy is circumvented by an influx of cheap or free foreign goods. Such a response could actually harm the local economy and any hope of self sufficiency. The PDA grant allows thousands of rural farmers to do their part in growing corn and beans so that Haitians participate in their own recovery and can create a self-reliant future.
“While we affirm and share in the important immediate response of critical food distribution, we are pleased to join in this promising long-term response. It is our hope and goal that by supporting FONDAMA and other Haitian partners, we can cultivate a lasting recovery that fosters self-sufficiency rather than dependency,” said Randy Ackley, PDA coordinator.
Presbyterians are taking the lead in this endeavor, and the effort is receiving support from other faith partners in North America. PDA’s contribution will provide seeds and tools to approximately 7,000 of the 30,000 farmers targeted by FONDAMA. PDA has assigned temporary staff on site to help organize and launch the program.
To learn more about the work of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and to contribute to the recovery work in Haiti, visit the PDA home page. To learn more about the Presbyterian Hunger Program, visit the Web site. See more about FONDAMA (Fondasyon Men-lan-men Ayiti or “Foundation Hands in Hands Haiti”) at the Joining Hands Web site.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the Presbyterian Hunger Program are ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which comprises more than 2 million members in more than 10,000 congregations, answering Christ’s call to mission and ministry throughout the United States and the world.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Food Revolution...a "faith" issue?
Have you seen Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution" on ABC? Jamie is a chef from Great Britain who believes very deeply that our eating habits are destroying our lives. For example, were you aware that 2 out of every 3 Americans are overweight? Did you know that the current generation if American children will be the first to die younger than their parents due to the health affects caused by obesity? So Jamie has come to American to try and make a difference. Specifically, he has come to Huntington, WV, named the unhealthiest city in America. As part of our "Resurrection" series of worship services, this week we'll focus our attention on the need for resurrected bodies--healthy eating and physical fitness. If you have a chance, check out Jamie's show this week in preparation...and then put it to use! Eat some veggies, take a walk, protect the temple that is your body!
Morning Worship, 4/18/10
"Revivals" are infrequent in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Is that because they appeal to our hearts rather than our heads? Don't our hearts need God's attention as well? Using Saul's conversion story, Stephen invites the congregation to answer a question in the context of "revival" only they and God can answer: Is your heart right?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Firefox Technical Issues Resolved
Some folks using Firefox had been experiencing technical difficulties when trying to use the Jukebox Player to listen to worship services. We've fixed that issue this morning with the help of our friends at the Sermon Network (much appreciated, Scott). Thanks for your patience and understanding!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Middle Eastern Christians maintain faith amid hardships, PC(USA) mission worker says

Nuhad Tomeh visited our church in the fall, and we had a wonderful conversation about world missions. Pat Cole wrote an interesting story about Nuhad, which you can read by clicking on the link below.
Read more about Nuhad
Monday, April 12, 2010
Morning Worship, 4/11/10
We were all glued to the news this week praying for a miracle at the Upper Big Branch Mine. Our hearts broke when the news broke that no one survived the blast. In the Easter season, what does "resurrection" mean amidst a context of tragedy? Where can we find new life? When will it come--now or later?
This begins a sermon series on Resurrection Revival, where we'll ask God to breathe new life into our minds, souls, and bodies. Join us!
This begins a sermon series on Resurrection Revival, where we'll ask God to breathe new life into our minds, souls, and bodies. Join us!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Summer Camp at Bluestone
It's that time of year! Time to register for summer camp at Bluestone! For many of our young people, their week at camp is one of the most formative Christian experiences in their walk of faith. To register, please contact the church office. The deadline is May 11. All those who want to attend will be serving the congregation a meal on May 2 immediately following church. The menu includes: baked potatoes (w/all the "fixin's"), salad, and fresh fruit. All donations will benefit our children's faith formation at Bluestone.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Greenbrier Classic Concert Benefits Local Missions
Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood are playing a concert during the Greenbrier Classic, a PGA Tour golf tournament coming to White Sulphur Springs, WV. By purchasing a "badge" for the tournament, you can attend four days of golf and the concert. And if you purchase a badge before April 30, you can designate a charity of choice to receive 30% of the badge price. Please consider designating RPC as your charity of choice. We've publicly pledged to use all funds raised for local mission projects, and we are excited about the ministry we can do with your support.
Morning Worship, 4/4/10
Good Friday Worship, 4/2/10
Monday, March 29, 2010
Palm Sunday Worship, 3/28/10
Morning Worship, 3/21/10
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Morning Worship, 3/14/10
Morning Worship, 3/7/10
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Morning Worship, 2/28/10
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Morning Worship, 2/21/10
People often say Lent is about "giving up" something to become more faithful. That works for some people. But what if we saw Lent as a time for "getting back" to our core convictions? For Jesus, his time in the wilderness allowed his core convictions to be tested. And he emerged more faithful. We can learn the same lesson from Jesus, and also from another middle-aged man from the Middle East named Zeitoun.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Morning Worship, 2/7/10
Of all the things Jesus did during his ministry, we may spend the least time learning from the thing he spent the most time doing--healing people of "demons". What did it mean that people were "possessed" by "demons"? How does our tradition explain that? What did people in Jesus' day mean when they said that? How do you make sense of it? Are there unseen forces at work in the world today?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sunday, Feb 7: Worship @ 2pm
Due to weather, RPC will be holding one service on Sunday, Feb 7 at 2pm. Be careful!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Tread Lightly for Lent
Presbyterians for Earth Care, an Eco-Justice Network, has a new Web site. Presbyterians for Earth Care is a nonprofit network that helps people of faith foster earth care in their communities and congregations. Check it out!
Presbyterians for Earth Care, an Eco-Justice Network, has a new Web site. Presbyterians for Earth Care is a nonprofit network that helps people of faith foster earth care in their communities and congregations. Check it out!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Missional Worship, 1/17/10
"Who is my neighbor?" Answering this question is central to the faith of believers. At Ronceverte Presbyterian, our Mission Team believes deeply that all those in need of mercy, wherever they live, are our neighbors. And in today's connected world, we have an obligation to help our neighbors near and far. Today, we are honored to be joined by William Deng, Executive Director of the Southern Sudan Project in Richmond, VA, and originally from Aweil, Sudan.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Food Pantry--Friday & Saturday

Our local Food Pantry has seen dramatic increases in food requests over the past year. Over 100 families now come twice a month to receive food. This weekend, we're helping bag the food and hand it out. Bagging will begin at 5:45pm on Friday, and then at 8:15am on Saturday we'll open the doors, welcome people inside, and then help them carry the bags outside.
Please let me know which day you'd prefer to help. Thank you for showing the love of God in this important ministry!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Morning Worship, 1/3/10
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