Thursday, February 25, 2010

Morning Worship, 2/21/10

People often say Lent is about "giving up" something to become more faithful. That works for some people. But what if we saw Lent as a time for "getting back" to our core convictions? For Jesus, his time in the wilderness allowed his core convictions to be tested. And he emerged more faithful. We can learn the same lesson from Jesus, and also from another middle-aged man from the Middle East named Zeitoun.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Morning Worship, 2/7/10

Of all the things Jesus did during his ministry, we may spend the least time learning from the thing he spent the most time doing--healing people of "demons". What did it mean that people were "possessed" by "demons"? How does our tradition explain that? What did people in Jesus' day mean when they said that? How do you make sense of it? Are there unseen forces at work in the world today?


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sunday, Feb 7: Worship @ 2pm

Due to weather, RPC will be holding one service on Sunday, Feb 7 at 2pm. Be careful!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tread Lightly for Lent

Presbyterians for Earth Care, an Eco-Justice Network, has a new Web site. Presbyterians for Earth Care is a nonprofit network that helps people of faith foster earth care in their communities and congregations. Check it out!