Monday, July 8, 2013

Morning Worship, 7/7/13: Kelsey McCoy

Kelsey McCoy is a rising sophomore at West Virginia University and a member of Ronceverte Presbyterian. Today, reflecting on the story of Jesus sending the disciples out to spread the Good News with only the clothes on their back, Kelsey speaks powerfully about finding faith in the midst of fear. 

May the Lord be with you!

Morning Worship, 6/30/13: "A Samaritan Heresy"

If your primary concept of Jesus is the sweet, cuddly, cute, baby Jesus…whose cheek you just want to pinch because he’s so innocent and angelic…who loves everyone and is kind even to those who hate him, then today’s passage probably upsets you.  Because in today’s story, he’s not cute, he’s at all cuddly, and he’s most certainly not sweet or kind.  Instead, he’s dead serious.  


Morning Worship, 6/23/13: "Accepting Rejection"

Today's Gospel lesson is comprised of an unusually odd story. It begins with a crazed, naked man approaching Jesus in a cemetery. What follows is a beautiful--and sometimes painful--tale of acceptance and rejection.

May the Lord be with you.