Monday, November 29, 2010

Morning Worship, 11/28/10

As Matthew argues, no one saw the flood coming.  No one.  They were too busy living their lives to see the bigger picture.  No one saw it coming until it swept them away.  A flood is upon us, and I’m afraid we don’t see it coming. That flood is...busyness. And our ark is...discipline. 


Morning Worship, 11/21/10

When I hear the sound of wave crashing upon wave, I think that the ocean is a lot like God.  It is the silent benefactor, which surrounds and sustains us all, whether we recognize it or not.  Genesis tells us that when God began creating, the clay out of which God molded everything was the ocean.  Out of the face of the deep, God created.  


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Morning Worship, 11/14/10

Thinking the end was just around the corner, the Christian community at Thessalonica stopped living. They grew idle. While our reasons are different today, our idleness remains. They key to overcoming idleness is its' opposite--stewardship. 


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Career Day for Greenbrier County Schools

This is Stephen...coming to you live from the WV State Fairgrounds, where the Chamber of Commerce is hosting Career Day for area high school students. I am here representing Ministry, talking with students about what the calling entails and offering to be of assistance to them if they feel that call in their life.

Last year, I asked them to interact on our website by imagining what God might look like. This year, because I've been reading unChristian, I will be asking them, "What does it mean to be a Christian?" Check out responses below.