Monday, March 29, 2010

Palm Sunday Worship, 3/28/10

If Luke presents Jesus as a king (though a very different kind than Roman kings like Herod and Archelaus), what kind of king is he? Why do even the stones shout when he comes to Jerusalem for Passover?


Morning Worship, 3/21/10

John 12.1-8 is a story of life and death. Mary's actions show that no matter how dire the circumstances, life is stronger than death.  With addiction rates at such highs--especially in West Virginia, Mary's example provides us a timely example.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Morning Worship, 3/14/10

The Rev. Pamela Eliason preaches on the parable of the prodigal son, inviting the congregation to listen to an old story with new ears.


Morning Worship, 3/7/10

We often read Scripture and ask what it says to us about our lives. Isn't that a bit self-centered? More often we should read Scripture and ask what it says about God.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Morning Worship, 2/28/10

What are your core convictions? Who are you deep down inside? Is God calling you to excellence? 
