Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution" argues that our eating habits are killing us--in West Virginia and in America. The statistics are clear: Two out of every three adults are overweight. One out of every three is obese. This generation of children will be the first to live younger lives than their parents, and it is due to the effects of being overweight. HOW WE TREAT OUR BODIES IS A MATTER OF FAITH. God calls our bodies "temples" and asks us to present them as "living sacrifices". Today, in a service of wholeness, we take the first step towards healthier bodies as a matter of a healthier faith.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
PDA Gives $500,000 to Haiti
Seeds and tools will help Haitian farmers feed the country and build the economy
Susan Lindsey, (502) 569-5060
Susan Lindsey, (502) 569-5060
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It is rainy season in Haiti. While that sometimes creates terrible challenges for those whose homes were destroyed in the earthquake, it is also good news. The rainy season is the growing season. And for thousands of farmers, it is both an opportunity for economic recovery and a chance for them to play an important role in their country’s healing process.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is partnering with the Presbyterian Hunger Program to provide funds and staff support for seeds of hope for Haiti. PDA has committed $500,000 to purchase seeds and tools for farmers who are trying to feed the hundreds of thousands of displaced Haitians who have left Port-au-Prince, as well as the communities that are hosting the displaced.
PDA is working through FONDAMA, a new partner network in Haiti that was organized last fall with support from the Presbyterian Hunger Program ministry “Joining Hands Against Hunger.” FONDAMA will mobilize 30,000 farmers all over the country and help boost their production by providing them with corn and bean seeds, and simple tools. The farmers, especially those who returned to the countryside without any resources or tools after the earthquake, will then have what they need to grow crops.
Seeds will be purchased locally. This has three benefits: (1) it further supports the disaster-impacted economy; (2) it secures seed varieties that are appropriate for local conditions; and (3) it reduces transportation expenses.
While immediate food distribution is critical for survival in the first days after a disaster, the medium- to long-term recovery calls for a different kind of response. The seeds and tools project provides food for people in need and helps the local agricultural economy take the first steps toward long-term sustainability.
When distribution of foreign food donations is used as a long-term solution, the local agricultural economy is circumvented by an influx of cheap or free foreign goods. Such a response could actually harm the local economy and any hope of self sufficiency. The PDA grant allows thousands of rural farmers to do their part in growing corn and beans so that Haitians participate in their own recovery and can create a self-reliant future.
“While we affirm and share in the important immediate response of critical food distribution, we are pleased to join in this promising long-term response. It is our hope and goal that by supporting FONDAMA and other Haitian partners, we can cultivate a lasting recovery that fosters self-sufficiency rather than dependency,” said Randy Ackley, PDA coordinator.
Presbyterians are taking the lead in this endeavor, and the effort is receiving support from other faith partners in North America. PDA’s contribution will provide seeds and tools to approximately 7,000 of the 30,000 farmers targeted by FONDAMA. PDA has assigned temporary staff on site to help organize and launch the program.
To learn more about the work of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and to contribute to the recovery work in Haiti, visit the PDA home page. To learn more about the Presbyterian Hunger Program, visit the Web site. See more about FONDAMA (Fondasyon Men-lan-men Ayiti or “Foundation Hands in Hands Haiti”) at the Joining Hands Web site.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the Presbyterian Hunger Program are ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which comprises more than 2 million members in more than 10,000 congregations, answering Christ’s call to mission and ministry throughout the United States and the world.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Food Revolution...a "faith" issue?
Have you seen Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution" on ABC? Jamie is a chef from Great Britain who believes very deeply that our eating habits are destroying our lives. For example, were you aware that 2 out of every 3 Americans are overweight? Did you know that the current generation if American children will be the first to die younger than their parents due to the health affects caused by obesity? So Jamie has come to American to try and make a difference. Specifically, he has come to Huntington, WV, named the unhealthiest city in America. As part of our "Resurrection" series of worship services, this week we'll focus our attention on the need for resurrected bodies--healthy eating and physical fitness. If you have a chance, check out Jamie's show this week in preparation...and then put it to use! Eat some veggies, take a walk, protect the temple that is your body!
Morning Worship, 4/18/10
"Revivals" are infrequent in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Is that because they appeal to our hearts rather than our heads? Don't our hearts need God's attention as well? Using Saul's conversion story, Stephen invites the congregation to answer a question in the context of "revival" only they and God can answer: Is your heart right?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Firefox Technical Issues Resolved
Some folks using Firefox had been experiencing technical difficulties when trying to use the Jukebox Player to listen to worship services. We've fixed that issue this morning with the help of our friends at the Sermon Network (much appreciated, Scott). Thanks for your patience and understanding!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Middle Eastern Christians maintain faith amid hardships, PC(USA) mission worker says

Nuhad Tomeh visited our church in the fall, and we had a wonderful conversation about world missions. Pat Cole wrote an interesting story about Nuhad, which you can read by clicking on the link below.
Read more about Nuhad
Monday, April 12, 2010
Morning Worship, 4/11/10
We were all glued to the news this week praying for a miracle at the Upper Big Branch Mine. Our hearts broke when the news broke that no one survived the blast. In the Easter season, what does "resurrection" mean amidst a context of tragedy? Where can we find new life? When will it come--now or later?
This begins a sermon series on Resurrection Revival, where we'll ask God to breathe new life into our minds, souls, and bodies. Join us!
This begins a sermon series on Resurrection Revival, where we'll ask God to breathe new life into our minds, souls, and bodies. Join us!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Summer Camp at Bluestone
It's that time of year! Time to register for summer camp at Bluestone! For many of our young people, their week at camp is one of the most formative Christian experiences in their walk of faith. To register, please contact the church office. The deadline is May 11. All those who want to attend will be serving the congregation a meal on May 2 immediately following church. The menu includes: baked potatoes (w/all the "fixin's"), salad, and fresh fruit. All donations will benefit our children's faith formation at Bluestone.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Greenbrier Classic Concert Benefits Local Missions
Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood are playing a concert during the Greenbrier Classic, a PGA Tour golf tournament coming to White Sulphur Springs, WV. By purchasing a "badge" for the tournament, you can attend four days of golf and the concert. And if you purchase a badge before April 30, you can designate a charity of choice to receive 30% of the badge price. Please consider designating RPC as your charity of choice. We've publicly pledged to use all funds raised for local mission projects, and we are excited about the ministry we can do with your support.
Morning Worship, 4/4/10
Good Friday Worship, 4/2/10
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