Now that the child has been born, your tree will come down, the gift boxes will go to recycling, and life will return to “normal,” whatever that is. But on these dark, damp days of winter, we all at times feel a certain sense of loss and uncertainty about where we go from here. We search for a direction around which we can orient our lives. We search for a star to guide us along the path. We ask, "Where do we go from here?"
Monday, December 30, 2013
Candlelight Worship, 12/22/13: "The Genesis of Jesus"
Matthew 1 verse 18 says, “Now the ‘genesis’ of Jesus took place in this way.” The Greek word “genesis” is often translated “birth,” so that the passage reads, “Now the birth of Jesus took place in this way.” It then goes on to tell about the angel visiting Joseph and the decision-making process he undergoes, which we’ll talk about in great detail this morning. But the story, in fact, says nothing about the “birth” of Jesus. Matthew says nothing of a manger, the census, shepherds keeping watch, magi, mangers, room in the inn, and very little of Mary. Matthew tells us nothing about the actual “birth” of Jesus; only Luke tells us those details, and we’ll read them both at Candlelight and our Christmas Eve communion service. Instead, Matthew tells us the “genesis” of Jesus. What does that mean?
May the Lord be with you!
May the Lord be with you!
Morning Worship, 12/22/13: "No Room in the Inn"
I once saw a picturesque Nativity scene. Everything was in its rightful place--animals, wise men, Mary & Joseph, even a star. Then my eyes were drawn to the center, where the baby Jesus a laundry basket. While it seemed absurd at first, I quickly realized how appropriate that symbolism was.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Morning Worship, 12/15/13: "The Lion & the Lamb"
Monday, December 9, 2013
Morning Worship, 12/8/13: "Carol Sing"
Leah & Rodger Trent lead us in a carol sing, providing historical information on carols and singing them with the congregation.
May the Lord be with you this Advent.
Morning Worship, 12/1/13: "Warring Opinions"
Someone recently said they’d like to hear my opinions more often. I assured them my opinions weren’t any good anyway since they changed so often, but they were insistent. So now I say, “Be careful what you wish for…you just might get it.” This time of year, Christians inevitably cry foul, upset that they can’t wish anyone “Merry Christmas.” They jump up and down about how we’re “taking Christ out of Christmas!” (which seems like very Christ-like behavior to me.) They tell everyone how outraged they are, stomp their feet, and say “merry Christmas” in public places as if they are launching missiles in a battle. They have even declared a war against the so-called “war on Christmas.” So, what’s my opinion of that? They…are only making it worse.
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