During last week's Session meeting, a theme emerged: Today's church needs to talk about several difficult issues it faces, but we're a bit confused about how to do so. In response, Stephen agreed to lead two 4-week classes as part of a Difficult Dialogues series. Both will occur during the adult Sunday School Gathering on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30am in Fellowship Hall. The first session will begin February 1 and involves the role sexual orientation plays in the church: To what extent should sexual orientation affect one's participation in the church, and on what theological basis? The second session involves evangelism: How can we practically spread the Good News to our neighbors (despite our reservations and nervousness), and what is our theological basis for doing so?
February's Difficult Dialogue comes at a pivotal time for our denomination. In March, the Presbytery of WV will vote on a variety of amendments proposed by the General Assembly (as other Presbyteries across the nation are doing), and at the root of several amendments is a question: To what extent should sexual orientation affect one's participation in the church? This issue divides the church deeply, as people of good faith sit on both sides of the fence (while many more straddle it). Our plan is to dialogue about sexual orientation and the church. In Week 1, we'll agree to some guidelines for a healthy dialogue and familiarize ourselves with the topic by looking at a case study. In Week 2, we'll examine the point of view that non-heterosexual orientations are sinful, including Biblical interpretations which support this position. In Week 3, we'll examine the point of view that all of God's children, including people of various sexual orientations, ought to be included fully in the life of the church, including Biblical interpretations which support this position. In Week 4, we'll engage in another case study where we must pastorally respond to a family in crisis. After four weeks, we may or may not reach conclusions; that's not our aim. Our aim is to faithfully discern God's will for this world by enegaging in dialogue with each other.
The members of the Session will be present for this important dialogue, and we hope you will be too. Stephen will facilitate, making every effort to ensure a safe and fair space for talking and listening to each other's stories.