Monday, January 12, 2009

Morning Worship, 1/11/09

Each week, we'll be posting the audio for the previous Sunday's worship service. You can access this week's service, "Don't Give Up...Give Back!" via the player below:


Just push the play button, and you'll be able to listen to the service on your home computer. (If you have a dial up connection, you'll have to push play and the quickly push pause so that the player can download the service. After a few minutes, you can press play and listen.) Listen when you can't make it to church, when you want to hear a piece of music or the Penny Lane story again, or share the service with a friend.


1 comment:

krm said...

I finally got a chance to try out the worship service recording. It's great!

Did we record the Christmas Eve service this year? If so, can you post it?
