Christians sometimes overlook the Old Testament. Especially the Law. Most especially Leviticus, with rules and regulations about everything from facial hair to treatment of animals. What facets of our faith are missing if we ignore this important part of the Scriptures? Can we be a "holy" people, as God calls us to be, without a faithful understanding of the law?
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Ministry Priorities, 2011
The officers of RPC set ministry priorities for 2011, and they are represented in the below word
cloud. Check it out!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Morning Worship, 2/20/11
Kids sometimes accuse parents of giving them "the evil eye," a look that says more than words could. That concept isn't new. The Greeks literally believed that someone with the eye could impart evil with their glance. In today's passage from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges this common cultural conception of judgment.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Morning Worship, 2/13/11
The New Testament contains multiple notions of "love." The three most common are philia (friendly love) eros (intimate love) and agape (self-giving love). When commanding his followers to "love" their enemies, to which kind of love does Jesus refer? What sort of expectation does that commandment entail?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Morning Worship, 2/6/11
We are accustomed to sermons with words. Sometimes those words inspire us. Sometimes they anger us. Sometimes they put us to sleep. But are the words of the sermon their important function? Certainly, the words of the sermon on the mount proved powerful to the ears of its hearers. But were Jesus' actions surrounding the sermon his real message?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ministry Priorities 2011
by Nurturing our own and doing Outreach with our neighbors, we are Witnesses.
In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet promises that God has good plans for our lives to give us a future with hope. Our Elders and Deacons worked to discern God’s plans for us. They know the needs of our community are great right now, and they know we have limited resources for responding to those needs. Therefore, they set two ministry priorities for 2011which when combined give life to and provide focus for God’s plan:
Nurture. We are called to care for our church family by providing them opportunities for education and spirit-filled worship. God blesses us with talented young people, and we must ensure that their tender faith is nurtured to maturity.
Outreach. We are called to go out into the community and build relationships with our neighbors, help people in need, and host fellowship events.
Witness. We are witnesses to our faith in Jesus Christ when we engage in the Christian work of nurture and outreach.
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