Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ministry Priorities 2011


by Nurturing our own and doing Outreach with our neighbors, we are Witnesses.


In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet promises that God has good plans for our lives to give us a future with hope.  Our Elders and Deacons worked to discern God’s plans for us.  They know the needs of our community are great right now, and they know we have limited resources for responding to those needs.  Therefore, they set two ministry priorities for 2011which when combined give life to and provide focus for God’s plan:
Nurture.  We are called to care for our church family by providing them opportunities for education and spirit-filled worship.  God blesses us with talented young people, and we must ensure that their tender faith is nurtured to maturity. 
Outreach.  We are called to go out into the community and build relationships with our neighbors, help people in need, and host fellowship events.
Witness.  We are witnesses to our faith in Jesus Christ when we engage in the Christian work of nurture and outreach.

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