Thursday, June 28, 2012

Prayer Request

We received the following note from Mike & Debby Moss (Navigators Ministries) yesterday. Please read it and remember those in the fire's path. Thank you. 

Dear Partners, as you probably have seen on the news in the last few days, Colorado Springs is experiencing terrible fires.  The Navigators headquarters which includes Glen Eryie Conference Center, Nav. headquarters, NavPress, and Eagle Lake Camp ground are in the direct path of the fires and has already claimed one building at the camp ground.  All buildings have been evacuated and Focus on the Family has
provided office space for 25 staff to conduct business until it is safe to return.  Please be in prayer for the situation out there in COS.  On a personel level, our daughter Juli and her husband, Justin also live and work in COS.  They can see the fires burning on the mountains from their bedroom window.  Its very close.  The air quality continues to deteriorate and ash is blowing all over. Thank you for your love and concern for the lives that are being affected and disrupted because of these fires.  Every prayer is greatly appreciated.  
                                   --Mike and Debby

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